
Aqua Dental Clinic

Root Canal Treatment

Endodontics and Root Canal Treatment

What is Endodontics?

Endodontics or root canal treatment is a branch of dentistry that deals with and treats problems that have progressed to the dental pulp.
Root canal treatment is the treatment performed in the root of the tooth due to caries reaching the nerve of the tooth, a severe trauma to the tooth, and sometimes gum diseases.

Our teeth have three layers: the outer hard enamel, dentin (also hard) and pulp. The pulp is where you’ll find blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. The pulp extends along the entire length of the tooth, from the apex (top) to the tip of the roots. The passages descending to the roots are “root canals”.

When decay attacks a tooth, in most cases it affects the enamel or dentin layers. However, when caries enters the pulp, everything inside the tooth must be removed and the room disinfected. This is known as root canal treatment.

What Are the Symptoms Affecting My Tooth?

Things can get serious once the infection reaches the pulp of the tooth. Symptoms associated with an infected tooth needing a root canal include:

  • Severe pain
  • Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Tenderness to touch and chewing
  • Change in tooth color
  • Swelling or tenderness of the surrounding gum tissue
  • Permanent acne on the gums

In some cases, a patient may not yet have the above symptoms, infection may be seen on dental x-rays during your routine cleaning and examinations at Aqua clinics. The infection will not have reached the nerves of the tooth yet.

How Much Pain Is In Root Canal Treatment?

Many people fear getting a root canal because they have heard it is so painful. Modern anesthetic methods and technology make root canal no more painful than placing a typical filling in the tooth. You may be attributing the extreme pain caused by the infection to root canal treatment. Once the infection reaches the inside of the tooth, the inflamed nerves become extremely painful.
After root canal treatment, the inflamed gums around your tooth may need a few days to calm down and may be a little sore because your jaw has been open for a while. But this is not acute pain and can be easily managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

How Long Does Recovery Take After Root Canal Treatment?

As mentioned, there is no longer any nerve sensation inside the tooth. You can bite and chew with your teeth safely. It may be a little sore for a day or so, but that’s it.

How Long Will My Rooted Tooth Last?

People assume that the days of the carved tooth are numbered, but this is also a misconception. As a tooth grows, it only needs blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues. Adult teeth maintain their health not from inside the tooth, but through a process known as mineralization. Thus, once the infected interior of the tooth has been cleaned and filled, the tooth can remain in place for decades.

Should I Worry About Infection After Having Root Canal Treatment?

There is no reason to worry or even think about a future infection in the tooth. This can happen, but it is very rare.

Is There a Situation That Needs Tooth Extraction Instead of Canal?

Since the methods related to root canal treatment are quite advanced, very few teeth cannot be saved with root canal treatment. But there are some situations. If a tooth has a large enough cavity to compromise the tooth structure too much, it will need to be extracted. This can also be true if the tooth has a severe crack that usually extends below the gum line.

What Are The Symptoms That Indicate The Need For Root canal treatment?

You may need root canal treatment if a tooth is causing you pain or if the gums adjacent to the tooth are tender and swollen. Another symptom is that the tooth appears discolored and becomes extra sensitive to heat and cold. If these symptoms reveal inflamed and infected pulp inside the tooth, your dentist may recommend root canal treatment.

What Are The Causes of Dental Pulp or Nerve Damage?

Tooth decay (cavities), chipped teeth, cracked dental fillings and injury to the teeth can damage the pulp. If caries is not treated in time, the caries spreads to the pulp and causes nerve damage. Cracked dental fillings allow saliva and harmful bacteria to reach and infect the pulp. Broken teeth can expose the pulp. Injury to the teeth can cause pulp damage even in the absence of external manifestations.

Why Is Root Canal Treatment Necessary?

Root canals are required to save teeth, rather than removing them with subsequent dentistry (bridges or implants).

What Does Root Canal Treatment Include?

First, the dentist examines the X-ray of the infected tooth and administers local anesthesia. The dentist then removes the inflamed nerve tissue. The channel is cleaned properly so that no residue or bacteria is left behind. Next, the dentist will close the cleaned canal. This is to prevent liquids and bacteria from entering. The canal is filled with gutta-percha and adhesive cement. Finally, a crown is placed over the sealed thread allowing it to function normally.
Risks Associated with Root Canal Treatment
You may feel some discomfort for a few days after root canal treatment is complete. You can follow the dentist’s recommendation to take an over-the-counter pain reliever to ease the discomfort. In more extreme cases, the dentist may prescribe an antibiotic and prescription pain relievers to help reduce the remaining infection.
Following root canal treatment, you should never chew directly on the repaired tooth until the final restoration has taken place or your tooth has cracked. Note that the longer you wait to complete the final restoration, the more bacteria will re-infect the treated canal and the treatment will need to be repeated.
In the unlikely event that root canal treatment is not successful, the dentist may offer alternative options, including repeat treatment or extraction of the infected tooth.