Aqua Dental Clinic

Case Studies

Dental Bridges

What happens if dental bridges don’t fit well?

TREATMENT: Gingival treatment & Zirconia supported Porcelains
(14 upper & 14 lower teeth)


PRICE: 7000 Euro

Dejan, a patient who came to our clinic complaining about the appearance of his old bridges and the inflammatory condition in his mouth. When the bridges don’t fit well, the gum tissue under the bridges becomes difficult to clean or gets pressured, leading to inflammation. The condition on the teeth is similar; sensitivity can be observed on exposed tooth surfaces.

PLANNING: He wanted not only the replacement of the old restorations but also the change of the broken surfaces on his front teeth and the stubborn yellow discoloration. Discussing our limitations and expectations, we decided to proceed with porcelain on zirconium.

FIRST STAGE: The old restorations were removed. After dental cleaning and necessary treatments, preparations for the new coverings were made. Digital measurements were taken. Temporary ones, which we could evaluate as a provision of his new smile, were made within two hours. These were placed in the mouth, and we re-evaluated the new smile with our patient.

These evaluations were transferred to the digital platform. While our patient was touring Istanbul the next day, we, along with the laboratory, prepared the infrastructure for the new teeth and checked the fit of these restorations on our patient the following day. Necessary adjustments were made, and temporary ones were reattached. While our patient spent another day enjoying with his family, porcelain was applied to the zirconium infrastructure, providing a more natural appearance to the restorations.

Our patient is happy, and so are we.